FY 23 Testing Transparency


What does it assess?

What is the purpose of the assessment?

Who requires it?

Who must take it?

How much time will my child spend taking the

When will the assessment be given?

When may I expect my child’s results?

Running Records

Information about decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension

Analyze reading behaviors, fluency and comprehension to determine instructional level

HC Elementary

Kindergarten through Fifth Grade

10 - 15 minutes

Due to school administrators in October and May

Available to review at parent-teacher conferences

iReady - ELA

To measure student growth and proficiency

Determine a student’s Lexile measure and identify needed skills for instruction

HC Elementary & Middle Benchmarking

First Grade through Eighth Grade

45 minutes

August - September November - December
February - March

Available to review at parent-teacher conferences

iReady - Math

To measure student growth and proficiency

Determine a student’s Quantile measure and identify needed skills for instruction

HC Elementary & Middle Benchmarking

First Grade through Eighth Grade

45 minutes

August - September November - December
February - March

Available to review at parent-teacher conferences

West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA)

Math, ELA, (grades 3-8)
and Science (grades 5, 8, and 10)

Measure student performance on the state’s content standards.  The results give students, teachers, and families meaningful information on what students know and can do, and how well they are progressing toward college and career

Federal Public Law 114-95, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, West Virginia Constitution, Article XII, West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2340

Third Grade - Eighth grade and Eleventh grade (Math/ELA)
Grades 5, 8, and 10 (Science)

1 - 2 hours per subject area

April - May

Beginning of next school year

West Virginia Alternative Summative Assessment (WVASA)

Math, ELA (grades 3-8 and 11), and Science (grades 5, 8, and 11)

Measure of student academic performance based on the West Virginia Alternate Academic Achievement Standards administered in lieu of the WVGSA to students who have the most significant cognitive disabilities.

Federal Public Law 114-95, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, West Virginia Constitution, Article XII, West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2340

Third Grade - Eighth grade and Eleventh grade (Math/ELA)
Grades 5, 8, and 10 (Science) with most significant cognitive disabilities

3-5 minutes per
testlet with 7-9 testlets per subject area

April - May

Beginning of next school year

PSAT 8/9

Progress towards mastering the academic standards in Reading, Writing, and Math

Instructional feedback

Harrison County Schools

Ninth Grade

125 minutes


4-6 weeks after testing


Progress towards mastering the academic standards in Reading, Writing, and Math

Instructional feedback

Harrison County Schools

Tenth Grade

165 minutes


4-6 weeks after testing


Progress towards mastering the academic standards

Nationally recognized college- and career-readiness assessment administered by

Federal Public Law 114-95, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, West Virginia

Eleventh grade

4 hours

March - April

Available to review at parent-teacher conferences

the College Board that is accepted by many colleges and can be used to qualify for the Promise Scholarship.

Constitution, Article XII, West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2340


ELA, math, science, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography, U.S. history, technology, and engineering literacy, (determined by Federal government)

The largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas

Federal Public Law 114-95, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, West Virginia Constitution, Article XII, West Virginia Board of Education Policy

Selected Fourth, Eighth, and
Twelfth Grade

2 hours

January – March

Data for national referencing – no individual student results


The assessments assess English language proficiency in English language arts, mathematics, and science. The assessments measure all four accepted language domains: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. These domains are also known as reading comprehension, written production, listening comprehension, and oral production skills.

English Language proficiency assessment for the 21st Century

Federal Public Law 114-95, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, West Virginia Constitution, Article XII, West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2340

Kindergarten through 12th grade

Kindergarten – 69 min Grade 1 – 63 min
Grade 2-3 – 91 min
Grade 4-5 – 103 min
Grade 6-8 – 128 min
Grade 9-12 – 155 min

February - March

Results are sent home at the beginning of the following school year.

American History Exam

The assessment assesses mastery of American History content.

Measures student factual and conceptual knowledge of how the facts interrelate and the reason behind historical documents and events

WV State Legislature Senate Bill 636
WV Code 18-12-9

11th Grade

90 Minutes

November – January April – June 1

Results are available at the school after completion

Civic/Citizenship Exam

The assessment assesses mastery of the concepts and principles of American democracy and government organization.

Measures student factual and conceptual knowledge of how the facts interrelate and the reason behind historical documents and events

WV State Legislature Senate Bill 636
WV Code 18-12-9

12th Grade

90 minutes

November – January April – June 1

Results are available at the school after completion


Progress towards mastering the academic standards in Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies, and Math

Students take the exam in order to fulfill the requirements to graduate through the Option Pathway Program or earn WV High
School Equivalency Diploma.

West Virginia Department of Education

Any student using the Option Pathway Program to graduate

Approximately 7 hours for all 5 sections

Throughout the year as needed by students

Results are provided 1-2 days after completing each section


Progress towards mastering the CTE Content Standards

Students take the exam to assess the mastery of CTE Content Standards.

West Virginia Department of Education

All CTE Completers

Each exam takes 90- 120 minutes


Results are provided 4-6 weeks after testing