School Entry Requirements
Beginning with the 2018 - 2019 school year, students entering Pre-K, Kindergarten, 2nd, 7th, or 12th are required to show proof of a Dental and Health Check / comprehensive health examination prior to entry into school (must be within 365 days of the first day of school). Please make an appointment with your child's Doctor and Dentist to make sure they have completed the examination requirements and provide proof to the school.
Attention Parents/Guardians of current 6th and 11th-grade students: This is to remind you that your 7th and 12th-grade child will not be able to enter school in the fall unless he/she has proof of Tdap and a Meningitis vaccine. Twelfth-grade children are required to have a Meningitis vaccine after the age of 16 years (which may mean they need a second Meningitis shot if their first shot was before the age of 16). Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
For further questions contact the Clarksburg Harrison Health Department @ 304-623-9308