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Office of Technology
Harrison County is host to the most advanced educational technologies available. Our base of more than 8,000 computers are connected through combination of Local Area Networks, Wide Area Networks, and a, first of its kind in West Virginia, Metropolitan Area Network. A centralized Network Operations Center houses our main blade servers along with a Storage Area Network, IP telephony, and Distance Learning control units. This provides the infrastructure to deliver the first district hosted, Internet accessible Odyssey implementation in West Virginia to all our elementary and middle schools. United Streaming video services are provided to twelve of our schools with Distance Learning centers installed in all. Every school now has building-wide wireless networking for use with mobile computer labs, along with iPod and iPad labs.
We are currently in our second year of a multiple-year project to deploy thousands of cutting-edge thin clients along with virtualized desktops to more efficiently utilize funding and computing resources while enhancing security reliability.
We will continue to add cutting edge technologies as they are developed in order to provide our students with the best and most innovative technologies available.