LSIC Meeting 11/19/2024
The meeting was called to order by Lisa Stout. Those in attendance were Lisa Stout, Angela Ward, Barbie Paugh, Sue Bennett, Ron Keener, Adam Belcastro and Karen Jones.
Book bags- We have too many bookbags in the classrooms or hallways. After recent events in Randolph county, we feel this matter needs attention. After discussion it was decided that Mr. Keener would send out an email reminding faculty no book bags in classrooms. If students have a doctor’s note, IEP or 504 they are excused.
Cell Phones- There are too many students with cell phones out. Please make sure we are taking them and turning them into the office. Again, Mr. Keener will send out a reminder email. Mr. Belcastro ensured us that all cell phone offenses are processed the same whether it’s the first or third time.
Teachers need to be diligent in requiring no cell phones and book bags. It will be easier if we all stick together.
Lesson Plans- Mr. Belcastro will have the schedule out at the beginning of the semester. It will be on rotation between him and Mr. Keener. The plans will be turned in on Friday for the following week.
Substitute Folder- Teachers need to have Substitute Folders in their rooms for emergencies. The folder needs class roster and work for 5 days.
PBIS- This incentive will be tabled until next semester. In the meantime, think of ideas as rewards. For example, students like time and food.
Discipline- ISS list is 3 pages long; most offenses are vaping and disrespect. We have 31 days of OSS year to date. We have sent 2 students to Evolution and 1 student has transferred to RCB.
Attendance- Awesome News!! We have the highest rate at 96%. We have sent home 39 of the 3-day letters for unexcused absences.
Misc.- Mr. Keener said Metal Detectors are on there way. This will be beneficial to our school.
Ms. Ward brought up about academic dishonesty. Students are copying more and more. Teachers needs to be aware and make sure they are teaching bell to bell.