LSIC Meeting 9/24/24
1. Selection of secretary -Karen Jones
2. Updates from Mr. Keener
i. Discipline- 10 pages of infractions including 25 cell phone write ups, 7 H1 forms, Disruptive behavior
ii. Attendance- 348.5 days missed, 188.5 excused, 160 unexcused. Bring up to faculty about incentives for attendance.
iii. Facility Improvements are mostly done. Sam’s club is a new partner in education.
iv. Graduation Rate- Homeschooled students don’t count against us, only drop outs.
v. Test Scores- English 34% Proficient, Math 7%. Math Department is coming up with a Tier system of support. We need to do Math across the curriculum in all classrooms.
3. Open Forum-
i. Bookbags in classrooms, policy in handbook needs fixed
ii. Unequal Distribution of work load among faculty.
iii. Limit classroom disruptions
4. Next Meeting- November 19
Attendance- Lisa Stout, Ron Keener, Sue Bennett, Frank Tate, Faith Sears, Phil Lott and Karen Jones