Local School Improvement Council
Meeting Agenda 12/4/2024
Call Meeting to Order: 3:28pm
Roll call
Reading and Approval of Minutes – motion by Amy, seconded by Sherry Caplain
Monthly meeting with Project Aware
Principal’s report
Merge update – met with Mr. Herrod – couple o things planned for the adults (jan 2nd for faculty and staff to have breakfast together and have department meetings – communication points are being prompted) Meet and greet with both faculty and staff’s at Lake Floyd
Student council’s at both school (Hannah Edwards and Kolby) are attempting to put together a Valentine’s Day (casual) dance with both schools (probably Feb 8th) – still in the works.
New schedule/ scheduling update – pre-registration happened with everyone except freshman – approximately 900 students pre-registered. Proposed schedule and preliminary numbers sent to county office. CO will have to approve the proposed schedule of 4 block classes and 4 split-block classes a year before the master schedule is finalized.
Additional updates – all winter sports and arts are underway! Exams are the 18th and 19th – 20th is 3 hour early dismissal for make ups.
Officer/Committee Reports
SAT prep
Project Aware
Monthly meetings – service project for the ___ area
Service project
Concerns, Suggestions, and Points Raised
Fundraising cap before having to pay taxes – other LSIC’s in the county have reached out to us to see if this issue has come up or if there are any issues. For school fundraisers – the school takes 10% of any fundraiser (not including Athletic boosters, band boosters, choir boosters) in order to pay any taxes needed at the end.
1. The AP Gov students won the District 2 We The People Competition (A mock Congressional Hearing in which students defend a position on a constitutional question). They advance to states in Charleston on December 18.
2. One small win I have is one of my students who had awful behavior in Middle School was able to get rid of his Behavior Plan because he has had absolutely no behaviors this year!!! (Special Education student)
3. Many students participated in (or are participating in community service activities in the month of December. These include gift wrapping for the United Way, Secret Santa shopping, the Angel Tree booth, Cookies with Santa at NFI, Food Collection with Santa, and bell ringing for the Salvation Army.
4. Mrs. Howe wrote and was awarded a teacher mini-grant from the YCF Foundation for $600. The grant money will purchase an air-powered rocket launcher, rockets, and altitude finders for our Physics class to support their learning of projectile motion.
5. Ms. Propst was awarded a grant for bi-lingual library.
6. Spanish III students have been working on cross-curricular activities including math problems and science
7. 4 students were nominated and auditioned for the WVNCR Honor Band in November.
8. Band numbers, specifically, but Arts programs overall are looking to significantly grow next year.
Next Meeting: proposed date 1/29/25 at 3:30pm
Motion: Amy Young
Second: Kenny Howell