Student Activities Photos

Students at State SADD Conference at Camp Dawson

Wrapping packages at Meadowbrook Mall to help United Way

Students loading clothing to give to the Clarksburg Mission,a SADD service project.

Dougie riding his new bike.

Driving the DUI simulator at the State SADD conference.

Back to School Kick-Off at the Armory
AP Government "Zombie Run"
AP Government "WE THE PEOPLE" Winner for District 1

AP Government "We the People" State Contest
The AP Government class from RCB High School won 1st Place in 3 out of 6 of our units for the WV State We The People: The Citizen and the Constitution Competition (also known as The Bill of Rights Competition)! There were 3 honorable mentions for their performance: Jacob George, Avery Thrush and Ralph Brown.
The competition is run as a mock congressional hearing. Competitors are given questions ahead of time on civic topics related to the constitution, such as 4th amendment "search and seizure" protections. Students must be ready to make a relevant, evidence-based, philosophical case that interprets the constitution in today's world. They must face questioning from a panel of judges: often lawyers, professors, politicians or other professionals who use constitutional principles in their fields. To be eligible to compete the team must be made up of every member of a rostered class. Any class is eligible to compete as long as they are willing to devote the time.
Senator Shelly Moore Capito visits RCB and meets with AP Government class