Cardiac Emergency Response Plan

These steps should be followed in the case of a Cardiac Emergency during an athletic event (practice or game) at Robert C. Byrd High School.

  1. Communicate a need for the Emergency Response Team as outlined in the Emergency Action Plan created for every sport

  2. The following steps should be completed by those team members listed on the EAP created for each sport:

    • Recognize the event of the Cardiac Emergency and initiate the EAP by alerting the coach/chaperone of the event

    • Call 911

    • Designated person(s) should retrieve the AED from the nearest site

    • Confirm status/location of the victim, make sure the area is safe, only move victim if the scene is unsafe

    • Clear the area of occupants except those involved in the EAP

    • Asses the victim; circulation, airway, and breathing

    • Initiate CPR by certified personnel, If needed, while AED is brought to the scene

    • Prepare to use the AED following all prompts and instructions

    • Meet the ambulance at the location mentioned in EAP and direct EMS to the victim

    • Refer to victim’s emergency contact information sheet to gather contact information

    • Notify the parent/spouse/guardian

  3. Notify Administration ASAP of a Cardiac Emergency during an event

    • In the event an Administrator cannot be reached, contact the Harrison County Board of Education office/Safety Director ASAP

    • Administrator will contact the Superintendent’s Office if needed

  4. Complete an accident report/Worker’s Compensation report if applicable