Meeting Date: October 23, 2024 

Attendance: Dr. Jamie Looker, Kim Miller, Amy Young, Kenny Howell, Laurie Meighen, Heather Bowen, Courtney Holder, Caty Gould, Sherry Brackman, and Aimee Richards 


  1. Call to Order – Dr. Jamie Looker, Ex-Officio Member at 3:31pm 

  1. Reading and approval of minutes from September meeting. Motion to approve by Amy Young and seconded by Heather Bowen 

  1. Officer/Committee Reports – school therapist (Courtney Holder) is in her 4th year and sees students weekly.  

  1. Concerns, suggestions, and points raised from Stakeholders: 

Project AWARE will be ending, credit recovery will be ending due to funding 
Incoming student numbers for next year – there will be a large incoming freshman class with 105 from Mountaineer Middle School and 194 from Washington Irving Middle School. Dr. Looker has been meeting with the administration from Liberty High School regularly to ensure and lead a smooth transition. Mrs. Kelly Light (asst. principal) has begun pre-registration with LHS and RCBHS students to gauge class and student needs. 
WINS – positive happenings in the school  
1. The RCB Choir performed on Saturday 10/19 at the Robinson Grand with Anthony Nunziata. 

2. Weekend food program to service our needy students continue. 

3. National Honor Society sponsored a basket to raffle at the Volley for the Cure event, which raised $747 for Bonnie’s Bus/breast cancer awareness. 
4. National Honor Society sponsored Unity Day, as known as World Bullying Prevention Day. 
5. National Honor Society is also sponsoring Red Ribbon week later this month. There will be a spirit week and something to spread awareness on drugs, bullying, and tobacco use will be shared on “Byrd’s Eye View” each day that week. This year’s national theme is “Life is a Movie: Film Drug Free.” The final day of the week will be “Say BOO to drugs.” Students are asked to donate $1 to wear a Halloween costume. The monies collected will be donated to the Harrison County Humane Society. 
6. National Honor Society continues to support our feeder schools. Earlier this month we were able to send ta few students to assist in the book fair at Nutter Fort Elementary. We will have a car in their trunk-or-treat even on Oct 29th. We plan to send a few students to assist with “Secret Santa” holiday shop in December. 
7. We’ve been asked to send students to North View Elementary to assist with their StarBook parent involvement activity next month. 
8. National Honor Society just finished two collections: birthday blessing boxes for CASA and “chemo comfort tote” items. Birthday blessing boxes are case mix, cake icing, candles, plates and napkins, ad a small toy, like a matchbox car, all packed into a disposable cake pan. These are given to foster families. Chemo comfort tote project supports Jessica Johnson, an RCB alum. Her mother was a proud RCB supporter who passed away from breast cancer. With support of donations, Jessica puts together bags in honor of her mother. These are delivered to area cancer centers. Items in the bags include puzzle books, hand lotion, nail files, hand sanitizer, hard candies, pocket tissues, highlighters, pocket calendars, scarves, chapstick, etc. 
9. In November, we are collecting 2025 wall calendars to be donated to our veterans at the local VA Nursing Home. In December, we plan to do a blanket, hat, and glove drive for the Friends Feeding Friends organization and/or the Clarksburg Mission. 

  1. Adjournment was motioned by Amy Young with a second by Laurie Meighen. 
    Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 3:30pm in the Erma Byrd Room.      


Respectfully prepared by: Tom Myers