NFP Title 1

Nutter Fort Primary is a Title I School, but what does that mean?

Our school receives federal funding to provide assistance to students and their families who are living in areas of poverty. Our school uses this funding to provide instructional materials, extended learning opportunities, family engagement events and activities, and professional development for teachers.

Title 1 and Families

Families are provided with a School Parent and Family Engagement Policy, as well as a Parent and Family Compact. Both of these explain your rights as a parent and family member at our school, a snapshot of how our school works, and all the ways in which parents and families can be involved at our school.

Copyright Piracy Notice

Title I, Part A, Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) states that Title I schools shall provide information and resources to help parents and families work with their children to understand the harms of copyright piracy. In keeping with this requirement, definitions of relevant terms as well as links to websites that may be helpful in educating children concerning copyright piracy regulations are included below. Copyright-a form of protection given to creators and authors of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works. A copyright means that the author has the right to do or let other do any of the following things:

  • Make copies

  • Distribute copies

  • Perform work publicly

  • Display work publicly

  • Make modifications or adaptations

Generally, it is illegal for anyone to do any of the things listed above without the creator’s permission. However, there are some exceptions and limitations to this right. One major limitation is the Doctrine of Fair Use. Copyright Piracy-Unauthorized reproduction for sale or use of a copyrighted work such as a book, lyric or software.

For more information follow the links below.