NFP Family-School Compact
School Mission
To educate, inspire, and recognize the leader within.
This Compact was developed with input from NFP teachers, parents, and administration for the FY24 school year
What is a Family-Parent Compact?
A Family-Parent Compact is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach their goals
District Mission
Where all are Leaders and all are Learners!
District Goals
Increase student attendance
Increase proficiency in Math and English Language Arts
NFP Goals for Student Achievement
All students will reach proficiency or meet typical growth goals in both ELA and Math on iReady.
Decrease the number of
chronic absences by 2% from
the previous year.
Our School Will
Teach all students according to the state’s challenging standards, using approved curriculum resources.
Provide clear expectations for student behavior and academic learning.
Work with grade level teams and school specialists to problem solve ways to scaffold and differentiate teaching to maximize student learning.
Administer assessments to monitor student academic progress and guide instruction. Inform families of their child’s progress each 9-week period through progress reports and report cards.
Offer parent sessions and engagement activities to help families support their child at home.
NFP Students Will
L. E. A. D.
Listen to Understand
Express Kindness
Act Safely
Do What's Right
NFP Families Will
Make sure child gets to school every day and on time.
Check red folder daily for assignments, completed work, and other information.
Review weekly and monthly newsletters and check Seesaw and Mustang News for updates and events.
Help child with take-home work.
Attend parent sessions and family engagement activities.
Discuss assessments, grades, progress reports and report cards.
Activities to Build Partnerships
Parent Resource Center
Annual Title I Information Meeting
Parent Teacher Conferences
Bingo for Books!
Family Engagement Sessions & Activities
PreK Transition
A Message From Our Teachers
Kindergarten students will learn school routines and expectations in a fun, engaging learning environment. Kindergarten uses an adaptive assessment called iReady to suit each students academic needs. To be successful, families can support their child’s learning by reading to them daily and helping with take-home work.
First Grade
First Grade students will build on their prior knowledge of school routines as they become more independent, and active learners and leaders. Students will engage in a variety of learning activities while following class and school rules.
Second Grade
Second Grade students will become independent academically and socially. Teachers’ expectations will include--emptying red folder when coming to school, turning in the appropriate work, following class and school rules, and being role models for Kindergarten and First Grade students.
Communications About Student Learning
The school newsletter, Discover Nutter Fort Primary, is sent home monthly
Class newsletters are sent home weekly.
Your child’s red folder will come home daily and include assignments, completed work, and other important information.
Teachers are available on their planning
times. Please contact the office at 304-
326-7520 for planning times.
Your child’
s grades are available on
Your child’
s progress will be shared via
progress reports, report cards, and
during Parent Teacher Conferences.
Connect to the Seesaw app and
Mustang News Facebook groups.
To view our Family-School Compact or
School Parent and Family Engagement
Policy, please visit our school website.
This Compact was jointly developed with input from NFP teachers, families, and administration.