Counselor's Corner

Sherry Brackman

Miriam Flatley

Covid-19 has made such an impact on our lives.Kids have experienced many changes from remote school to not seeing family and friends to wearing masks.  All of the uncertainty can be very stressful.  I try to teach the kids about MINDFULNESS.  By learning coping skills, kids can help themselves to feel calm and peaceful which will help them to make better decisions when they are upset.  Some things that help are deep breathing, calm music, coloring, etc.  You can find some great mindfulness videos on Another helpful website is

Counselors' Corner is new this year.  The counselors, social worker and SEL teachers at NFE will provide needed supplies for families during food distribution. We will be set up once per nine weeks.  Some items that will be available are backpacks, coats, hygiene bags, school supplies, books and Amy's Attic slips.  If you can't make it to Counselors' Corner, please reach out by email and we will do our best to fulfill your need. Click on this link for several helpful resources in our community.



Leader In Me

We are a Leader In Me school.  The students learn about the 7 Habits based on Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Classroom Activities

I love going into the classroom to do activities with the children.  Topics include friendship, personal space, feelings, bullying etc.  This is a picture of an activity about Community Leaders.

Operation Not One More

Operation Not One More
Representatives from the Fire Department, State Farm and The Child Advocacy Center came to hand out smoke detectors to EVERY first grade student in our building!  How generous is that!?!


Thanks to the Meadowbrook Mall for donating this awesome resource about bullying to Nutter Fort Primary.  Our Captain McFinn and Friends package included books, posters, puppets, stickers, classroom activities and more.  The students love when I bring these into the classroom and are promising to be a Buddy, not a Bully!

For more information go to