Academic Students of the 3rd 6 Weeks
9th Grade
Tyler Ellis- “He is active in his learning. Always does his assignments and continues to check his understanding. He's been encouraged to take advanced classes next year!”
10th Grade
Addison Minigh – “Addison was very respectful during class and always asked questions when she needed help. She takes her grades very seriously and always made sure she understood where her mistakes were.”
Addison Minigh- “She works hard taking two math classes this year. She is a wonderful student who asks questions, gets additional help to study, and is always trying to understand more.”
11th Grade
Lilly Toth – “Lilly is a very polite and respectful student in class. She always did all her work and paid attention during class. She took dual enrollment college math this semester and ended up passing the class with an A. I am very proud of her!”
12th Grade
Daniela Labra-Guerrero- “By taking three math classes this year, she is challenging herself. She is catching up on material missed to have a higher depth of knowledge for her courses. She works hard in all classes and actively engages in lessons!”