Cybersafety Resources
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Research Databases
USER ID: lhs21
PASSWORD: cougars
Many databases are available through EBSCOhost. Master File Premier, Newspaper Source, History Reference Center, Literary Reference Center, Points of View, Consumer Health Complete and others
EBSCOhost and Grolier Encyclopedia are provided by The West Virginia Library Commision. They provide these databases with funds from WV State Legislature and the Library Services Technology.
Welcome To The
Lincoln High School Library
Hours: 7:15-3:00

Library Rules
1. Follow directions
2. Work quietly and be respectful of others
3. Follow AUP policies and computer rules
4. Food and/or drinks are not allowed in the library or around the computers.
5. Return all items to their proper place, to a library staff member, or to the front desk.

Mrs. Payton Library Media Specialist
Library Procedures
Sign-In: All students are required to sign in to use the computers unless they are with a class.
Hall Pass: Students must have permission from a teacher or LMS and obtain a hall pass when leaving the library.
Book Checkout: Students may check out 2 books at any one time. Exceptions will be make with permission from the LMS.
Loan Privileges: Books are on a two week loan period.
Reference Books: Reference books without cards in the back are not to be taken from the library without permission from the LMS.
Computer Use: Students must follow the Technology and Electronic Communication Devices Use Form and all rules regarding computer usage. Students must have this form on file and use their individual user ID and Password.
Lost Books: Full replacement price of a lost book is assessed at the end of each semester. Loan Privileges are suspended until lost books are reconciled.
Magazines and Newspapers: Many magazines and newspaper are available for students, faculty, and staff. These Materials are not on
loan and must stay in the library.
Discipline: All school and classroom rules apply to the library. All state, county, and school codes of conduct will be enforced.
Library Resources change regularly, so please ask if you need assistance.