BMS December trends

One thing that influences middle school students today is trends. We see trends daily all over the halls in school, and they play a big part in students lives. Since Christmas is coming up, the yearbook class sent out a survey asking the students of BMS about the Christmas trends they see this time of the year, and these were our results!
6th grade
The sixth grade class voted that they’re most trending items on their Christmas list was some form of technology. This included video games, video game controllers and gift cards. The most voted Christmas song for 6th grade was “Jingle bells”

7th grade
The most trending Christmas gift for seventh grade was also technology. Common votes we saw were an iPad, a play station, and a laptop. For music, the most voted Christmas song was “all I want for Christmas is you” by Mariah Carey

8th grade
For eighth grade, the most trending gift is once again electronics. For the 8th grade class, some of the popular Christmas wishes were gift cards for video games. The most popular song for 8th grade was “jingle bell rock”

Over all, the middle school voted that the gift they want most for Christmas is electronics. We hope everyone enjoys their Christmas break. We’ll see you after break, and merry Christmas from the yearbook class!