Victory Elementary School

Local School Improvement Council

November 18, 2024


Meeting Notes:


1. Title I presentation on the Strategic Plan for VES – summary of this year’s plan.

            A. Goals

                        1. Math – all VES students will reach their Math typical growth goal

                                        -  20% will reach their Math stretch goal

                        2. Reading – all VES students will reach their typical growth goal

                                              -  20% will reach their ELA stretch goal

                        3. Behavior – 85% of VES will earn an average of 80% or higher in conduct

                        4. Attendance – less than 10% of students will be chronically absent

2. Academic Updates and Progress

            A. Collaboration with Karon Freeland and Stephanie Runion for Math and Writing

has begun with classroom teachers to support student improvement.


B. iReady PD Scheduled for January 21, 2025 – once a year for specific needs


C. Science of Reading PD – January 2nd or 3rd


D. MOY iReady Benchmark and 3rd Grade Success Act – those not meeting standards

will get a letter and possible SAT meeting


3. Discipline Updates and Progress

            A. Referrals – 0 office referrals as of 11/18/24

            B. PBS Plan progress – Stamps, infractions, and Bobcat Bucks are working


4. School Culture Success and Innovative Programs

            A. Staff Breakfast December – Monday before break
            B. Parent Volunteer Group –

1. participation is slow, so popcorn will be moved to Wednesdays after   Thanksgiving Break

2. Spirit Week before Christmas break

3. Candy Cane grams will possibly be sold in December

            C. Greenhouse – It is being utilized, not a lot currently growing.


5. Attendance Data

            A. Number of Unexcused Absences 3 Day – 39

            B. Number of Unexcused Absences 5 Day – 11

            C. CA 2 Meetings held – 0

            D. Reports pulled every Thursday, parents are contacted, and it’s a good way to get

                Parent notes in


6. Next Meeting Date – January 13, 2025