LSIC Meeting - 09/11/24  (2:15 p.m.)

Members Present:  Curtis Edwards, Jo Ellen Crowley, Matt Mc Cullough, Jordan Scarbrough, Melanie Tillman, Jody Sperry, Dayona Smith, Jessica Ashcraft, Arabelle Warner, Kim Holbert, Ashley Satterfield

New Business:

Election of Officers:  Chairman: Curtis Edwards, Secretary:  Melanie Tillman

Principal Updates:  Statewide policy changes reflecting discipline referrals.  Meaningful contact with parents/guardians, Increased documentation of student behavior and communication logs. Staff enforcing discipline referrals in a uniform manner across the board.

Last year's discipline referrals from 09/01/23 -09/11/23 were 49 incidents.

This year's discipline referrals from 09/01/24 - 09/11/24 are 29 incidents.

Review of LSIC Training:  Six - minute video regarding election of members/length of terms/Appointing replacements if necessary.  Minutes of the meetings will be shared on UHS website.

 Improvement Needs:  Mr. Edwards opened a discussion on donations either from individuals or small business owners who would like to sponsor a culturally enriching activity for the benefit of United High School students.

 Jordan Scarbrough volunteered to provide pamphlets explaining UHS's philosophy and mission statement to potential contributors as well as a snapshot of the programs offered at United High School detailing our enrollment and graduation rate.

 There were further discussions on ways to privately acknowledge our benefactors by displaying a school made banner in their honor, or by posting signs within the school building . . . "Activity funded by . . ." for the students to see and appreciate.

 Progress Notes:  Jo Ellen Crowley, our community member, shared information about a $2500.00 dollar donation being used to supply our Clothes Closet Project with deodorant and toothpaste items.  School Tee-Shirts are also being purchased for students as part of our holiday Jingle Surprise.  Future student activities could include donations for Spring Fling (DQ Ice Cream Truck) and a demonstration by Howe Sweet It Is (Bee Keeping).

 Adjournment:  Motion made by:  Jordan Scarbrough and seconded by:  Dayona Smith.

 Next Meeting:  November 6, 2024