Harrison County United High School

Mission Statement

The mission of Harrison County United High School is to create a supportive community that provides students with a foundation for life-long learning by addressing the intellectual, physical, emotional, social and career needs of at-risk students.

Harrison County United High School Believes:

  • Students can improve achievement levels in math, language arts, social studies and science if a rigorous, standards-based curriculum, aligned with the West Virginia Content Standards and Objectives is implemented.

  • Students have a right to a safe, supportive, and challenging environment that allows opportunities to improve self-concept by experiencing success in social and academic endeavors.

  • Students will benefit greatly when parents/guardians, teachers, and students work together and communicate openly to achieve the common goals for academic success.

  • Students have a right to be respected and to be treated with respect.

  • Students have a right to an education that is based upon the findings of research in learning and best practices.

  • Students will attend school more regularly if a more personalized atmosphere is provided.

  • Students will be encouraged to acquire independent learning and living skills if they are instilled with a sense of responsibility.


The main purpose of alternative education is to offer educational choices which will encourage development in those individuals whose educational needs are not met by traditional programs. It is, therefore, the responsibility of educators to understand and employ program designs, methods of instruction, and materials which provide the student with the best choices and educational experiences possible. It is the responsibility of students to avail themselves of these special opportunities and to seek their highest level of achievement. Throughout the process, the educator must encourage students to believe in themselves in order that they may grow toward fulfillment of their goals.

This alternative program addresses those students who are identified as potential dropouts from school. It is designed to allow educators the latitude to permit students to function at their own levels, to experience success and to generate sufficient self-esteem to prevent their dropping out of the school system.

Program Goals

The Harrison County United High School program is designed to assist students in:

  1. remaining in school, thereby reducing the dropout rate

  2. improving the achievement levels in language arts, social studies, math, and science

  3. decreasing absences compared to previous attendance records in conventional classrooms

  4. demonstrating an improvement in self-concept by experiencing success in social and academic endeavors

  5. demonstrating an improved level of peer functioning

  6. reducing pressures within a more personalized atmosphere

  7. eliminating or substantially reducing academic failure

  8. preparing for readmission into the regular school setting

Guidelines For Referring Students

  1. Referrals may be initiated by a teacher, guidance counselor, principal, and/or Student Assistance Team.

  2. A referral's acceptance or non-acceptance into the school shall be made in accordance with the selection criteria and space availability.

  3. A decision on placement shall be made upon receipt of a referral and all documentation/information.

  4. The student shall sign a contract prior to being admitted to Alternative High School.

  5. In the case of a student with an I.E.P., the staff of Alternative High School will convene to consider the special needs of the student and all state and federal regulations will be implemented.

Opportunities For Parent/Guardian Involvement

  1. Hold parent/guardian conferences to discuss the program and to answer any concern that the parents may have.

  2. Provide all parents/guardians with information packets or leaflets explaining the program.

  3. Establish parent/guardian visitation dates.

  4. Develop a consistent system of home contact for absences, discipline problems, positive feedback and academic progress.

Procedures For Initial Screening

Screening for admission into Harrison County United High School will be done by designated home school personnel (principals, guidance counselors, teachers, Student Assistance Team, and/or other appropriate personnel) any time during the school year, using the following instruments/procedures:

  1. identifying appropriate dropout characteristics as defined on previous page(s)

  2. review of grades

  3. attendance records (minimum of 20 days= absence)

  4. standardized test scores

  5. behavior reports

  6. documented strategies that have been used by the staff of the regular instructional program in an attempt to alleviate the problem
    1) Schedule modification
    2) Student Assistance Team
    3) Discipline strategies
    4) Counseling

  7. interview with the student to determine interest in program

  8. recommendation of principals, guidance counselors, teachers

  9. presentation of above data to the principal of Harrison County Alternative High School

Eligibility Criteria

In light of these causal factors, students comprising the target group for Harrison County United High School exhibit specific characteristics. Students are potential dropouts from Harrison County. They attend grades nine through twelve in a public secondary school. Students will be considered for placement if they display characteristics of a potential dropout.

  1. a history of out-of-school suspensions

  2. a profile of behavior that results in frequent conflicts with other students or school staff

  3. behaviors which persistently interfere with their own learning or with the educational process of others

  4. a need for attention and help beyond that which the basic instructional program can provide

  5. unsatisfactory academic progress and rejection of efforts to provide assistance

  6. one or more years behind in grade level

  7. grade deficiencies (Ds or Fs) in two or more subjects in this or previous years

  8. a definite disinterest in school work; for example, not doing homework, expressing a dislike for school, not offering to respond in class

  9. parents/guardians who exhibit indifferent/negative attitudes toward school performance

  10. negative feelings toward school; for example, indicating they have no friends, believing teachers are not fair, not wishing to participate in school activities

  11. chronic absenteeism; for example, 20 or more days absent per year

  12. students' perception that they are not accepted by other students/have no personal friends

  13. frequent absences caused by ill health or excessive fatiguing while in school.