• Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM. Mrs. Comer explained reiterated the purpose of the LSIC organizational meeting, explaining each role.

  • Introduction of LSIC Team Members – Members in attendance were: Jaime McDonald and Erica Byrd (Professional Staff), Sandy Gibson (Service), Myah Smith and Tiffany Cropp (Parents) and appointed At-large Members, Mr. Tom Steele and Office Austin Ash. Jeovanna Comer and Todd Rubenstein, Simpson Administration were in attendance to facilitate meeting and provide training. Not in attendance due to schedules were Karen Bowman, Sherry Brackman, Elizabeth Leuliette and Beth Fox.

  • Old Business:

    • Election of Professional and Service staff members – Held on 8/14/24 

      – Professional Representatives: Jaime McDonald, Erica Byrd, and Shery Brackman. Service Representatives are Sandy Gibson and Elizabeth Leuliette.

    • Election of Parents – (3) – Held on 9/10/24 – Myah Smith, Tiffany Cropp, and Karen Bowman are our elected representatives.

  • New Business:

    • Elect chair – Mr. Steele nominated Tiffany Cropp for the position of LSIC chair. Mrs. Byrd seconded the motion. All were in favor.

    • Elect 2 assistants to the chair – Jaime McDonald and Erica Byrd were 

      self-nominated and agreed to serve as the Assistants to the Chairs to help 

      with the agenda, facilitate meetings, and take meeting minutes.

    • Provide updated code on Local School Improvement Councils – 

      Passed February 26, 2024 – Mrs. Comer distributed an updated copy of Senate Bill 172 and reviewed updated changes, dates, and required meetings.

    • Provide LSIC Member Training and Complete Training Log – Committee members in attendance completed online training and signed the training log. Mr. Rubenstein facilitated the on-line portion.

    • Committee to review / create our local Simpson LSIC By-Laws – Mrs. Comer and Tiffany Cropp will acquire copies of by-laws from other entities as well as our local PTA. These by-laws will be reviewed, revised as appropriate, and voted on in our next meeting.

    • Schedule October Meeting – Mrs. Comer reviewed updated policies on the announcement and scheduling of meetings as well as submitting the agenda and meeting minutes to Mr. Oliverio to post on our website

  • Next meeting: Our first official meeting will be October 22nd at 3:00 PM at Simpson Elementary School. For this school year, our stakeholder meeting will be held during our March or May meeting. During that time, we will review this year’s academic, attendance, behavioral data, as well as other topics, including WVGSA scores for the 23-24 school year. Our first meeting of the following 

    school year will be in October after the WV School Report Card is posted. This will be more beneficial as we will have two years of data to compare and set relevant goals.

  • Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 3:26 PM. Mrs. Comer will email LSIC Training resources, an electronic copy of Senate Bill 172, and meeting minutes. Training will be held for those members not in attendance prior to October 1st.