Communities in Schools WV

Mustang Clothing Closet: Athletic/Stretch/Jogging pants in all sizes, especially boys; new or clean tennis shoes, all sizes; winter gloves

  • Family Food Pantry: Peanut Butter & Jelly, ketchup/mustard, small dishwashing liquid, boxes of cereal, juice boxes or larger juice; and grocery store gift certificates in small amounts are always welcome for eggs/milk/meat.

  • Hygiene Pantry: body wash, shampoo, deodorant

  • Volunteers: If you are interested in assisting

    in the helping hub, please reach out to Angie Carvelli (NFI) or Logan McKinney (NFP). (304-326-7530)

The Mighty Mustang Helping Hub is coordinated by your Communities In Schools Site Coordinators.