Communities in Schools West Virginia

The Mighty Mustang Helping Hub is organized by Communities In Schools site-coordinators and students.  Meeting basic needs is a #1 priority for our students.  The Helping Hub coordinates the weekend backpack food bags, the Mustang Clothing Closet, emergency food boxes for families, assists families with community linkages, etc.   If your family or child need assistance, please contact Mrs. Carvelli (NFI) or Mr. McKinney(NFP).

Food Drive:  November 12th -22nd will be a food drive.  More details will follow but here is an "Insider Tip" for newsletter readers: There will be extra points given for a kit with a recipe card & all the non-perishable ingredients packaged together.  As a matter of fact, if your family, church or civic group is looking for a service project anytime of the year, "coordinated food kits" are always welcome!

Clothing Drive:  The October 14th clothing/coat/costume giveaway was a success! 

Clothing Donations:  We ALWAYS accept new clothing (all kinds), or gently used athletic/stretch pants, and clean tennis shoes.  However, if you have "bags" of children's gently used clothing, we ask that you hold onto those until they are requested in the Spring due to lack of storage here at school. 

Halloween Costume Donations: Halloween is over so before you give away your child's awesome costume, please know that we will take costumes that are clean and have all the parts. Please place them in the original bag or place in another bag with the size included.