
Lincoln High is fortunate to have a large clubs program to encourage students' involvement in activities.  The following is a list of our current clubs.

D. Sharp Chess (Cafeteria)

*Learn the rules and play chess

V. DeMarco Pickle Ball (1/2 gym)

*Learning and playing the game of Pickle Ball

(smaller version of tennis)

S. Young Dumbledore’s Army (Room 112) Limit 30

*Harry Potter Fan Club

J. Ramsey Christian Club (Room 128)

*Prayer and Bible Study

A. Hayes Theoretical Physicists (Room 126)

*Watch “Big Bang Theory”

K. Jaco Playing Cards Club (Room 203)

*All types of card games

C. Payton/F. Spadafore Board Game Club (room 123)

*Enjoy playing board games

M. Channell Theatre Club (Room 132-Choir Room)

*Students who enjoy acting/plays/tech crew

J. Smith/L. Rainey Walking/Exercise Club/Basketball(1/2 gym or outside)

*Getting in shape Limit 30

M. Osbourn/H. Wolfe Caring Cougars Club (Room 113)

*Participate in random acts of kindness, service

projects for those in need.

J. Boyles/M. Matheny Spirit/Pep Club (Room 117)

*Support athletic teams through the year

E. Beverage/M. Larew “The Office” Club (Room 210)

*Watch episodes of “The Office” and play trivia

A. Herrod/L. Hausvater Cougars Celebrate (Room 110)

*Decorate student lockers for birthdays

P. Kast Classic Comedy Cinema (Room 127)

*Watch movies from the past

R. Hawkins/J. Leep Future Coaches of America (Room 217)

*Discussion of coaching

M. Starkey Baseball/Football Memorabilia Club (Room 125)

*Trivia, memorabilia, and movies

B. Toth Wildlife Management Club (Room 221)

*Discuss how DNR manages deer, turkey,

squirrels, etc.

T. Dewitt Art Club (Room 207)

*Students who enjoy art

J. Loss/J. Yearego Trivia Club (Room 135)

* Students will take part in trivia

L. Hostuttler Dungeons & Dragons (Room 215)

*The board “Role Playing” game

T. Duncan Crochet Club (Room 214)

*Students will be taught the basics of crochet

For more advanced students, we will pattern

and project assist

C. Price Anime Club (Room 218)

*Come together to appreciate and share the

beautiful animation and stories that Japan

has to offer

A. King Weight Lifting/Fitness/Cross Fit (Upper Gym)

*Short workout and teach proper technique

D.Wickland Spanish Club (Room 204)

*Study of Spanish Culture

K. Childs Escape Room Club (Room 123) Limit 25

*Using laptops students will complete online

escape rooms

R. Jones/B. Scott Cooking Club (Room 209)

*Reading recipes, food prep, and cooking

A. Wolfe Health and Nutrition (Room 125)

*Discuss and plan healthy lifestyles

B. Sollars/A. Hannan FFA (Room 130)

*Future Farmers of America