Pre-K registration for 2024-2025 is Friday, March 14. Registration folders will be available in our office starting Tuesday, February 25. For those new at this (or just a bit anxious), here are some Johnson-specific directions to make the process as seamless as possible:
First, you must attend registration at your home school, even if that is not your first preference. Those wishing to attend somewhere other than their home school, would request a transfer form at registration to indicate their preference. Proof of residency is checked very, very carefully and at our first station using our district map. You definitely do not want to risk losing a spot by not attending your actual home school for registration. While all schools hold registration on the same day and at the same time, each school might be handling the logistics of the day a bit differently.
Registration begins at 9:30 AM, and will conclude at 12:00 PM. Packets are processed in the order they are received, and spots are secured in the same manner.
At Johnson, we realize many parents will already be here in the morning for student drop-off of older siblings. We do not want people waiting in line for long hours or for our parking lot to be filled during our busiest time of the day. Therefore, starting at 7:00 AM on the 14th, our Pre-K teachers will be passing out numbers for registration. They will be located at the side gym door.
Anyone can pick up a number. You will then return at 9:30 AM. The line will form in order of the number cards passed out. All those registering will enter through the side gym door.
Johnson Elementary currently houses 3 Pre-K classrooms that hold up to 20 students per class. We also have a self-contained Pre-K special needs classroom.
For more information about Pre-K registration in Harrison County, visit