About Our School

Bridgeport High School, located in north central West Virginia, is home to more than 800 students in grades 9-12 and 72 staff members. One of six Harrison County schools, BHS has been a leader in academics, athletics and the arts in Harrison county and statewide.  BHS has been a National Blue Ribbon School since 2001. BHS has also been named a WV Exemplary School every year since the program began in 2001.

Educational Community
Bridgeport High School is located in the small, growing town of Bridgeport, West Virginia, which has almost 8,200 residents. The community is upper middle class socioeconomic status, with a large number of educated parents working in various professional fields.
Bridgeport High School students come from a five-feeder school area. Johnson Elementary School and Bridgeport Middle School are located adjacent to B.H.S. on a unified campus facing Johnson Avenue, while the third feeder school, Simpson Elementary, is located on Worthington Drive. Other feeder schools include Heritage Christian School and Norwood Elementary. Students enrolled in these six schools live in Bridgeport, Anmoore, and surrounding unincorporated areas, such as Quiet Dell, Johnstown, Maple Lake, Corbin Branch, Oral Lake, Brushy Fork, and Romines Mills.

Building Design
The present two-story building sits on a 22.0 acre level site that fronts Johnson Avenue and is still in good condition. The building was constructed in 1963, and since that time has undergone two major additions in order to accommodate the increasing enrollment. The first addition was completed in 1992, while the second addition, which contains two state-of-the-art computer labs, was completed in 1997, giving the building a total area of approximately 98,152 square feet. Departmental clusters have been achieved in the design of the building, and the general classroom area appears to be above average and appropriate for instruction. This facility will continue to serve Harrison County Schools and the Bridgeport community as a high school for many years.

Enrollment Statistics
Bridgeport High School is home to 745 students ranging from grades 9 through 12. In addition, Bridgeport High School has the highest attendance rate of all five county high schools at 97.7%. The dropout rate is also low, at a reported 1.4%. 13.35% percent of the students are enrolled in free or reduced lunch programs.

Standardized Testing Information
Of the five area high schools, Bridgeport High School students consistently score well above the county and state average. In overall Westest 2 scores, for the second year in a row, BHS was #1 overall in the state. Many of Bridgeport High School’s students are college-bound; therefore many students will take at least one college entrance exam during their junior and senior years. In the 2012-2013 school term, 80% of the seniors had taken the ACT, achieving well above the national and state scores. Over 25% of juniors take the PSAT, and approximately 27.9% of the students take the SAT. In addition, an increasing number of students are taking advanced placement tests.

Staffing Information and Statistics
Matt DeMotto is the principal of Bridgeport High School. He is assisted by Renee Mathews and Mark Jones. The school is home to 60 teachers. The average length of experience for the administration and faculty is 18 years. Over 73% of the professional staff have earned a Master’s Degree or above. Among the professional staff, 3.4% have earned a Bachelor’s Degree, 23.7% have earned a Bachelor’s Degree + 15hrs, 10.2% have a Master’s Degree, 8.5% have a Master’s Degree + 15hrs, 25.4% have a Master’s Degree + 30hrs, 28.8% have a Master’s Degree + 45hrs, and Bridgeport High School is home to 1 National Board Certified Teacher. We are proud to report that BHS has 100% highly qualified teachers. According to the 2011 state HQT report, the areas of English, math, and arts are not serving our students population with highly qualified teachers. However, after a closer review and investigation into the report, it appears that an error was made where two classroom teachers were incorrectly coded and identified in WVEIS. In the area of arts, our dance position is presently filled with a certified arts teacher. Both situations have been addressed and the problem has been corrected.

Staff Involvement
The staff has other responsibilities beyond the four walls of the classroom. In addition to having an active Faculty Senate, staff members set up Staff Development sessions for the school, serve on the Technology Committee, perform Advisor-Advisee tasks with their homeroom, and provide journalism functions, such as publishing a school newsletter and a school web site. Many teachers also serve on other committees, such as the Local School Improvement Council and the Healthy Schools Committee. Every teacher serves on at least one school focus team, which deals with issues such as school rules and regulations and curriculum issues/concerns. In addition, teachers host many clubs and activities, sponsor trips to other countries, chaperone and set up field trips, and prove to be very active in supporting co-curricular activities involving academics, athletics, and community service.

Curriculum and Articulation
In addition to an excellent staff, Bridgeport High School is dedicated to providing its students with the best curriculum available to meet their needs. It believes that the responsibilities of the school to the community are to educate the students socially, emotionally, physically, and academically. In order to achieve this, the school offers a curriculum merging technology with the traditional academic discipline. Bridgeport High School has modified two types of block-scheduling in order to better meet the needs of the students. In addition to the standard 4 x 4 block schedule, some a.m. classes operate on an alternate-day block. This enables more students to take fine arts and other course electives. Extracurricular activities such as sports, responsible students programs, clubs, and assemblies are offered to broaden the student’s educational experiences. Enrollment by subject area includes 98.4% English Language Arts, 37.2% Foreign Language, 80.2% Mathematics, 78.9% Science, and 83.2% Social Studies. Bridgeport works in conjunction with other county schools to enable our students to attend the United Technical Center for vocational-technical classes and the Robert C. Byrd Magnet Center to enroll in advanced education classes. Fairmont State College and Salem-Teikyo University both have branches in Clarksburg, which is five miles away. Many of our students enroll in one of these colleges to take one or more classes while they are still in high school. Bridgeport High School has been an Exemplary School of Excellence for the past 13 years.

Other Resources and Services
In addition to the basic core curriculum and electives offered, other services/opportunities are available for students at Bridgeport High School. The Harrison County Board of Education Resource Center is housed at Bridgeport High school. Information and referral are available through the Center for parents of all students. The Center also provides training programs for parents and teachers on specific topics related to child development. These classes are offered free of charge to parents. Classes and supporting personnel are available for students with specific learning disabilities, mild behavioral, or emotional disabilities and the mildly mentally impaired. The school also has interpreters and support persons available for the visually, auditory, or physically impaired student. In keeping with Senate Bill 300 and the School-To-Work initiative, Bridgeport High School has an on-site coordinator who addresses AA’s(Advisor-Advisee homerooms) in regard to course requirements needed to complete their major course of study. Students are provided opportunities to ask questions and make potential contacts for their thirty hours work-based experience required for graduation.