BHS Clubs
Club | Advisor(s) | Meeting Time & Location |
National Honor Society | Friday - 1st lunch, library (as needed) | |
Key Club | Charlene Keener, Sarah Gustafson | Tuesday - Homeroom, auditorium |
Spanish Club | Alicia Kidd, Rachel Leatherman | Every other Tuesday - 2nd lunch, auditorium |
Spanish Honorary | Alicia Kidd | One Tuesday/month - 1st lunch, Room 203 |
DECA | Desiree Daugherty | Thursday - 1st lunch, auditorium |
Thespians | Jared Brown | Friday - 1st lunch, green room |
Thespian Officers | Jared Brown | Thursday - 1st lunch, green room |
Fellowship of Christian Athletes | Dave Marshall | Thursday - 2nd lunch, gym |
Student Council (Officers) | Jenna Swan | Wednesday - both lunches, auditorium; Monday - 1st lunch, Room 103 |
French Honorary | Dea Garrett | Meetings will be announced |
Academic Teams | Brian Elliott | Tuesday/Thursday - both lunches |
FFA | Justin Arnold | 1st Wednesday of every month - 1st lunch, Room 102 |
Steel Drums | Garrett Friend | Wednesday and Thursday |
Choir | Jeremiah Smallridge | Monday and Tuesday |
Career Speakers | Kristina Robinson | Every Friday - both lunches, auditorium |
STEM | Stephen Howard, Andrew Pollick | Tuesday/Wednesday - 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Room 215; Tuesday - both lunches, Room 215 |
Girl Up | Marge Bonenberger | 1st Thursday of the month - 1st lunch, Room 220 |
Book Club | Alyssa Higgins | Thursday - 1st lunch, Room 213 |
Model UN | JD Lister | Meetings will be announced |
Drug Free Club | Kellee Shuttleworth, Kendra Sullivan | Thursdays - 2nd lunch, library |
Art Club | Heidi Thompson | Tuesday - 1st lunch, Room 115 |