BHS Clubs

Anime' Club                      


 Wednesday - 2nd Lunch

Art Club                              


Monday - Both Lunches

Book Club                          


 Thursday - 2nd Lunch

Comic Book Club 


Monday - 1st Lunch



Monday - 2nd Lunch

Drug Free Club              


Not Set

Fellowship of Christian Athletes        


Friday - 2nd Lunch

French Club                      


Friday - 2nd Lunch

Jr. Humane Society    


Every other Tuesday

Key Club - Board                                    


Wednesday - 1st Lunch

National Honor Society                              


Tuesday - 1st Lunch

National Honor Society (Officers/Chairs)   


Monday - 2nd Lunch

Spanish Club            


Thursday - Both Lunches

Student Council              


Wednesday - Both Lunches



  Friday - 1st Lunch

Thespians (Officiers)


Thursday - 1st Lunch

Wings Recycling Club                                 


 Wednesday - 1st Lunch


Advisor: Jared Brown

Wings is the amazing group of student volunteers who help keep the school compliant with the county recycling program. Every week we meet twice: once to discuss school improvement projects and theories about popular science fiction television, and once to pick up the all the school’s recyclables. For the past two years, the club has saved tons of paper from the garbage and, by doing so, have actually earned money for the school. Our focus on classroom paper use lead the members to jokingly suggest that our club name was an acronym meaning “We rIcycle Nothing Gbut Spaper” (misspellings intended). However, in the coming academic year, Wings plans to expand the efforts to conserve, reuse, and recycle in other ways.

Anyone can join Wings, but it helps to have a good attitude and a sense of humor. The more volunteers we have, the better our program will be. So if you are interested in helping our school become more “eco-friendly,” please visit club sponsor Jared St. Martin Brown, or talk to one of the student recyclers in the hallway.


Advisor: Jared Brown

Wings is the amazing group of student volunteers who help keep the school compliant with the county recycling program. Every week we meet twice: once to discuss school improvement projects and theories about popular science fiction television, and once to pick up the all the school’s recyclables. For the past two years, the club has saved tons of paper from the garbage and, by doing so, have actually earned money for the school. Our focus on classroom paper use lead the members to jokingly suggest that our club name was an acronym meaning “We rIcycle Nothing Gbut Spaper” (misspellings intended). However, in the coming academic year, Wings plans to expand the efforts to conserve, reuse, and recycle in other ways.

Anyone can join Wings, but it helps to have a good attitude and a sense of humor. The more volunteers we have, the better our program will be. So if you are interested in helping our school become more “eco-friendly,” please visit club sponsor Jared St. Martin Brown, or talk to one of the student recyclers in the hallway.