LSIC Meeting – September 24, 2024 – Secretary Report 

Chair – Charlea Ramsey 

Secretary – Kenneth Edwards 

Principal – Renee Mathews 

Old Business – Mrs. Mathews explained what the LSIC committee was and what they do. She then introduced all of the members 

  • Renee Mathews – Principal 

  • Tom Sears – Assistant Principal/Athletic Director 

  • Kenneth Edwards – Assistant Principal 

  • Charlea Ramsey – Teacher 

  • Kathy Camenga – Teacher 

  • Fred Ware – Teacher 

  • Jon Griffith – At Large 

  • Shawn Long – At Large 

  • John Wiant – At Large 

  • Anna Matheny – Parent 

  • Jill Boyce – Parent 

  • Albany St. Martin Brown – Parent 

  • Calleigh Morgan – Student Body President 

Mrs. Mathews then went through the training process in regards to state policy for the members of LSIC and discussed the process for the documentation of the training.  

Voting – The LSIC then voted for positions of chair and assistants 

  • Charlea Ramsey – Chair 

  • Anna Matheny – Assistant to Chair 

  • Albany St. Martin Brown – Assistant to Char 

  • Kenneth Edwards – Secretary – Minutes will be maintained by Kenneth Edwards (assistant principal) due to the fact that they must be communicated with county office 

Reports – Each member sitting on LSIC 

  • Principal  

  • Spring SAT Test Data - #1 in Math and English, # 2 in Science 

  • 72 students test scores qualified for PROMISE – must still meet other requirmenets 

  • SAT Prep courses during homeroom time, for free 

  • Lunch Bunch Groups – Spanish, Math, Science 

  • AP Scholars – 64 students, 82% pass rate for AP Exams (increase of 17%), 400 AP exams taken by students 

  • Discipline Report – Explanation of discipline and policy 

  • Level 1 – 11 

  • Level 2 – 9 

  • Level 3 – 4 

  • Academic Reports – PSAT/NMSQT upcoming 

  • Attendance Reports – Attendance is staying consistent – improvement from where we were at this time last year 

  • Healthy Harrison – BHS and Liberty will be partnering together – Upcoming – Students and Faculty 

  • Levy will be coming up on the next election in November 

  • Possible future/school needs 

  • Teacher –  

  • Community  

  • Service –  

  • Parent –  

  • Student –  

  • Counselor –  

To Do: 

  • Set date for next meeting – Monday, November 4, 8:30 AM