Title I Documentation and Information
West Milford's goal is to achieve 80% of students in grades K-5 to be on level reading as reported through data presented from running records by May 2023. Also 80% of Students grades 1-5 will an increase their scaled score using the iReady benchmark by May 2023. Kindergarten and First grade students will have 80% of their students to have mastered the Heggerty benchmark in Phonemic Awareness skills by May 2023.
In support of meeting state accountability in Math by May of 2023, 1-5 students will improve academic achievement by increasing Math proficiency through progress on I-Ready benchmarks and online instruction. Our goal is for our I- ready online instruction to achieve an 80% pass rate. Kindergarten students will be assessed weekly through a math informal assessments. 85% of the Kindergarten students will be proficient in successfully completing the math informal assessments.
90% of West Milford students will attend 90% of the school days for the 2022-2023 school year.