Principal's Corner

Meet Our Administrator

As Principal of Wilsonburg Elementary School, it is my pleasure to welcome back everyone for the 2020-2021 school year! The faculty and I are excited to have the students back in school filling our classrooms and hallways with energy, excitement, and enthusiasm for learning. At Wilsonburg, we will work to develop successful learners this year through quality education, and prepare our students to be productive in their future. During the school year, they will be learning the importance of being RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL, and SAFE. Our faculty is committed to ensuring each child feels connected and welcomed at the school and that each child is challenged in their curriculum to better prepare them for their education. We look forward to this exciting year and working together with you to support your child!

 Please be looking for newsletters and other important information to come home with your child daily as we journey together into the 2020-2021 academic year! If you have any questions, please contact me at school at 304-326-7640


Mrs. Laura Dick, Principal