Parking Lot

We are asking for your assistance to help ensure students safety during arrival and dismissal. Please pay close attention to the new signs and cones in the no parking zones.

Also, please keep traffic moving in front of the school.

Safety patrols will be available to help student crossing at the intersections.

Please DO NOT allow your child to run in the yard or hang off the railing outside of the school. This is a safety concern. We appreciate your diligence in helping us with this matter.

Please do not smoke on school property. It is a health concern, and is not allowed on school premises.

Please be sure you and your child use the cross walks when crossing the road so the patrols can ensure it is safe. 

There will be cones labeling drop off and pick up locations. Please wait until you approach the cones before dropping off your child in the morning. At dismissal, please remind your child to wait with the staff member outside until you are in the designated pick up location to enter the vehicle.