Dear North View Trojans,

It is my pleasure to welcome everyone back for the 2023-2024 school year. I am excited as we embark on a new school year together! This year will be another great year at NVES for learning, teaching, growing, and a renewal of new ideas and innovations. As we prepare for the school year, I would like to outline a few important details from 23-24 strategic plan. These goals will be worked on throughout the 23-24 school year.   

Strategic Plan: A strategic plan is a document that tells stakeholders what the school wants to achieve in the future and how it plans to get there. Setting goals, the school will be focusing on over the next year to improve students’ experience at school and actions the school will undertake to implement key improvement strategies and the milestones that will be used to identify progress in their implementation. To identify progress for ELA and Math goals, we will be using iReady Diagnostic Data with Kindergarten to 5th grade. It is vital to the success of your child that they complete iReady minutes weekly and take the Diagnostic when it assigned by the county.

  • Math: During the 23-24 school year 80% of students will increase their growth by one grade level as measured by the iReady.
  • ELA: For the 23-24 school year, 80% of students will show one year’s growth as measured by the I-Ready diagnostic.
  • Attendance: During the 2023-24 school year, students attend 90% of instructional days as measured by Zoom WV attendance data and data measured by the HarCOBOE.
  • Behavioral: During the F24 school year, 60% of the North View Community will define and exhibit a sense of respect from students to adults within the school setting. This number will increase.

Our teachers have creative ideas and work hard forming valued lessons for all students at NVES. Using skills already obtained in previous grade levels, setting goals, and using a growth mindset, our teachers strive for student lead lessons, engaging curriculum, and high expectations. Here at NVES we are dedicated to making sure all students have a successful and safe school year! It is our mission to make sure all students feel welcome, safe, respected, and part of the North View Family!

This year there will be changes statewide to the reading and math curriculum focusing on the Science of Reading and Math Numeracy. NVES will keep parents/guardians updated on Dojo regarding curriculum changes and ways to help their child at home.

Attendance: If your child misses any school throughout the year a note is required for an excused absence within 3 days of their return to school. The attendance policy allows parents to write 5 notes per semester for illness. Please turn in any doctor’s excuses you may have for illnesses or appointments as well. *Did you know… if your child leaves school for a doctor’s appointment and does not turn in an excuse, it is counted as a half-day unexcused absence? Remember at NVES “What we learn today shapes us into tomorrow’s leader” being at school on time daily helps us learn and grown. If your child is arriving at school late or leaving early, they are losing valuable instruction time and will have work to make-up for time that is lost.