LSIC Meeting
Dec. 10, 2024
Meighan Jones called the meeting to order at 3:00 on December 10, 2024. Those in attendance were Meighan Jones, Shelby Swiger, Michelle Kiser, & Melanie Gentolozzi.
Meighan Jones went over the next meeting date of February 6th at 3:00.
Michelle Kiser made a motion to dismiss the reading of the minutes from our October meeting. Meighan Jones seconded the motion.
Attendance updates for the school were that we have had 3 classes win the monthly attendance award, Ms. Ruddle, & then Mrs. Barton twice. Melanie Gentolozzi discussed two students with excessive tardiness problems. Meighan shared the distract data that our attendance is at 95%. Our chronically absent is 17%. She has made 37 attendance calls since the beginning of school. On the strategic plan it is Meighan’s plan to improve our school’s attendance.
For our holiday programs we have had all the food donated for Christmas food baskets except for the hams that the PTA are covering. We adopted 12 students from Lincoln High’s Angel Luv Program to buy Christmas presents for. Michelle Kiser shared that resource team will be hosting their Christmas party next Wednesday the 17th. The Lion’s Club is coming to help serve the food. We gave out 15 coats for students. During our November food canned drive Ms. Stuart’s 3rd grade class won with 112 cans.
Meighan Jones shared that we received $6,500 to use towards our preschool playground. We will be getting handicap accessible equipment.
Shelby Swiger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Michelle Kiser seconded the motion.