LCES Family - School Compact


This is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will collaborate to ensure all students get the individualized instruction necessary to reach and exceed grade-level standards.

Effective Compacts

  • Begin with standards

  • Uses data from Strategic Plan

  • Focus on student learning + development

  • Respond to school data

  • Defines responsibilities for all parties

  • Success depends on us to believe in and use it

District's Goals

  • Increase math proficiency

  • Increase reading proficiency

Families’ Responsibilities to Support Child’s Education

  • Help child complete homework nightly

  • Read with child

  • Review basic math facts with child

  • Make sure child attends school regularly and is on time daily

  • Regularly check child’s agenda

  • Have access to SeeSaw (for PK, K) and Class Dojo (for K – 5th), school website, and county website for communication

Students’ Responsibilities to Support Their Learning

  • Attend school regularly

  • Read 10-20 minutes every night

  • Complete homework nightly

  • Practice basic math facts

  • Pay attention in class and complete classwork

  • Write down daily assignments in agenda

  • Be respectful, safe, and responsible

  • Be organized and ready to learn

Lost Creek's Goals

  • Math – show growth at each designated benchmark in grades 1-5 on county assessments as defined by iReady math curriculum by the end of the school year

  • Literacy – show growth at each designated benchmark on county assessment; show increase of two to four reading levels by the end of the school year

  • Attendance – increase attendance to achieve 90% for all students for 90% of the school year

Lost Creek's Responsibilities to Support Child's Education

  • Provide students with individualized instruction to develop math and literacy skills

  • Create positive learning environments

  • Utilize advanced integrated technologies

  • Maximize student achievement

  • Promote family, school, and community partnerships

Jointly Developed

The parents, students, and staff at Lost Creek Elementary developed this Family-School Compact. Teachers suggested at-home learning strategies; parents added ideas to make them specific; and students told us what would help them learn. We hold annual meetings to help review this compact

Building Partnerships

To help us develop a partnership with families to help their children achieve the state’s high academic standards, Lost Creek Elementary School will hold family engagement activities to support involvement within the community

  • Lost Creek Family Math Night – event for students and families to complete math activities in a game-like environment to support use of math skills and strategies in school and at home

  • Bingo for Books – students and families play Bingo, take home books, enjoy snacks, and learn reading strategies to support reading skills in school and at home.


  • Parent resource table

  • Annual Title I informative meeting (Open House)

  • Parent/teacher conferences twice annually

  • Parent involvement nights/trainings List of websites with strategies on the school website


  • Parent resource table

  • Annual Title I informative meeting (Open House)

  • Parent/teacher conferences twice annually

  • Parent involvement nights/trainings List of websites with strategies on the school website