Johnson Elementary LSIC Annual Stakeholder Meeting 

February 4, 2025 


Meeting Called to Order: 2:58 PM 

Motion Made By: Lauren Moore 

Seconded By: Bethany Kulchock 


Members Present: Heather Holbert, Mark Jones, Lauren Moore, Aaron Horne, Sam Olivio, Bethany Kulchock, Elisabet Kirk, Jessica Wagner, Amanda Marrow, Harry Nayi


Facilities Report: Mark Jones  

The grass was aerated and seeded in the back.  This will make it better for the kids to play and they will no longer be muddy when coming in from recess. This was completed by WV Green. Will need treatments in the fall. They would like to have a concrete pad there.  Aaron talked about fundraising for the concrete pad.  The front playground had a sink hole. The BOE addressed and repaired this. There was worry after the snow where the students enter and exit the gym doors due to the gutters being frozen, ice buildup, slope on roof, melting and freezing of ice. BOE addressed this.  They only had to redirect the students one day.  


School Academic Performance Report: Heather Holbert  

Reviewed Johnson Elementary 2024-2025 Progress Notes.  Reading, Math and Absence goals are JES’s goals.  Middle of year benchmarks are complete.  BOY Reading: Tiers highlighted in yellow.  Goal is every child in Tier 1. 32% of the students were on Level. 51 reading plans sent home at the beginning of the year. Those students are automatically placed with an intervention specialist for support. Academic support teacher has seen 33 students for intensive reading intervention. 67 students have received targeted intervention in reading. i-Ready- students spend 7 hours of practice on reading.  Math- 68 math plans sent. 37 students for intensive. 47 students targeted. 7 hours spent on i-Ready practicing.   

Chronic Absences. Our mid-year chronic absent rate is 6.84%, well-below the state’s 2023-2024 23.5% rate. Mark Jones made 79 phone calls to parents/guardians regarding excessive tardies to parents/guardians and unexcused absences. 3 unexcused - phone call home. 5 unexcused - another call home.  Unexcused is undocumented. 10 unexcused absences is considered truant by the state of West Virginia. Doctor’s notes can now be uploaded to the absence excuse form online.  

PBIS: The 1 donation-based fundraiser raised $12,000. It’s done the last week of March/First week of April.  It funds the backpack program.  Able to pay for every student attend Beauty and the Beast at the high school.  Benefited the high school and our students. Second 9 weeks, Glow Party, paid for by PBIS team.  98.5% of students made the cut off to attend PBIS rewards.   

State sets windows on when they must Benchmark. Comparing beginning of year to mid-year, all grade levels are showing growth in reading and math.  If answers are leveled correctly, it gives them a harder question and levels them out, and if its wrong it bumps them down.  The higher the grade, the longer the passages.  Teachers have opportunities to reset them and make them start over if they think they’ve rushed and not taken it seriously. This is viewed as just a “snapshot” and not a full picture of the student.  

The new strategic plan:  They meet every two weeks at the board of education.   


Stakeholder’s Input/New Business:  

ICE/Court Order Protocol- Sarah Starkey will be reviewing this at tonight’s board meeting. There is an immigration lawyer, Mountain State Law, coming from Morgantown coming February 20th to meet with EL teachers at the Clarksburg Library at 6:00 pm. Open to EL families.   

New Business:  

Harrison County BOE meeting at 6:00 they are discussing what they are doing with the 3 days that need to be made up due to the snow days.  

Extra classrooms are continuing here.   

New condos are being built on Saltwell.   

4 more aides will be added for 3rd grade next year. Putting staff at 94. Part of the 3rd Grade Success Act. 

Need more promotion about what Community Care offers.  

The gymnasium - The basketball hoop heights are adjusted daily for Jerry West, Challenger, the school, high school freshman practice, and they already shot.  The all-thread needs replaced. 


Next Meeting Date:  April 1, 2025 @ 2:45 PM 


Topics: The once-a-year school fundraiser 


Meeting Adjourned: 4:44pm

Motion Made By: Bethany Kulchock

Seconded By: Aaron Horne