
Johnson Elementary LSIC Meeting

September 11


Present: Hannah Francis, Linda Dearing, Lauren Moore, Jamie Hamrick, Marteney Hanson, Kim Olivio, Sam Olivio, Heather Holbert, Mark Jones, Elisabet Kirk, Bethany Kulchock, Staci Swiger, Jessica Wagner Absent: Aaron Horne, Gretchen Kessler

Principal Heather Holbert called meeting to order at 2:52pm.

Principal Heather Holbert welcomed everyone in attendance and passed out informational folders. The LSIC code and calendar were reviewed. The LSIC training video was played.

Each attendant introduced themselves.

Motion made by Bethany Kulchock to approve LSIC parent voting members Linda Dearing, Lauren Moore, & Hannah Francis and parent non-voting members Elisabet Kirk & Marteney Hanson. Motion seconded by Jessica Wagner. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

Motion made by Bethany Kulchock for Lauren Moore to be LSIC Chairperson. Motion seconded by Jessica Wagner. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

Motion made by Linda Dearing for Hannah Francis to be LSIC Secretary. Motion seconded by Lauren Moore. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

Principal’s Notes given by Heather Holbert. General Enrollment and Test Scores were reviewed and discussed. JES space issues due to enrollment numbers were voiced as well as Johnson’s above District & State test scores. Ways to close the gap between the lowest and highest test scores were debated, including (but not limited to) those of differing socio-economic status and ethnicity.

At-Large Member Sam Olivio spoke to those present on the upcoming Levy vote at the general election on November 5 and encouraged everyone to educate themselves on the Levy and encourage the community to vote.

Date set for next meeting: October 23 at 2:45pm.

Meeting adjourned by Principal Heather Holbert at 4:08pm.