Welcome to Big Elm's Counselors' Corner!

Mrs. Samantha Thayer 

School Counselor

What does a school counselor do?

This is a common question we get as school counselors! We wear many hats. We go into classrooms and teach guidance lessons that help our students with their social, emotional, and academic well-being. We visit students individually who are having a tough time or just need a quick check-in. We also set up small groups to help students interact with one another when going through similar situations. 

When we are not with students, you can find us running meetings or collaborating with teachers to figure out ways for our students and school to be successful. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help!

Need to Talk To The School Counselor?


Coping Skills For Kids




Sign In Information:

Username: BigElmCounselors@Gmail.com

Password: BEES2122!

Confidentiality Notice: All students are given a right to privacy in our offices. Each student knows that they are able to trust us with whatever they bring through our doors in order to help them as best as we can. However, there are times that this confidentiality will need to be broken. If a child is thinking of hurting themselves, hurting someone else, or if someone is hurting them, we will need to contact this child's guardians (as long as the guardian is not the one hurting this child).